Australia’s Youth Poverty Crisis

Despite Australia’s wealth and the reputation of it being one of the wealthiest countries in the world, Australia still has an issue with poverty, and sadly poverty within our youth is a revolving problem. Unfortunately, a percentage of the future leaders of Australia have to live in poverty, and due to the price of living … More Australia’s Youth Poverty Crisis

Changing University Degrees- BCM212

University can be confronting as it is, so many students number one goal is to try and make the experience as smooth sailing as possible. However, at times, university isn’t just attending classes, submitting assignments and achieving high distinctions. There are many obstacles students face day to day, that can alter their university experience. A … More Changing University Degrees- BCM212

Transmedia Stories

What the heck is Transmedia Stories, l asked myself as l sat cluelessly in my lecture. Well luckily for me, my Professor broke it down for all the dummies out their listening (one of them being me!) Here is a clear definition for y’all-> “Transmedia storytelling uses multiple media platforms tell a narrative across time. … More Transmedia Stories