Disconnect to Connect…

Technology is a major aspect in each individuals life. Due to technologies continuing to advanced and evolve, the world has become a complicated yet more simple environment. Through technology we gain media, media allows the entire world to connect with a click of a button, although this is simple it can be dangerous. With the average person having 5 social media accounts on networks including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr etc. (Telegraph, 07/03/17) It results in the individual having their personal information on at least 5 different networks. Meaning any other person that is also connected in that social media network has access to a strangers personal information.

Personally l also own 6 social media accounts, being fully aware of the risk and the danger that my personal information will be exposed, however l understand that people on social media shouldn’t post anything (even if your account is on private) that you would not want the whole world to see or something that will effect your future. I am a sucker for using social media, l absolutely love it. It allows me to connect to my family overseas in a couple seconds, keep in contact with my friends from high school and l can also see what everyone is doing with their life (#stalker). I’m lucky enough to be doing subjects in my Bachelor of Media and Communications that encourage me to surf the web and continue posting on social media. THANK YOU #BCM110 and #BCM112!!! I now have an excuse so my parents can get pissed when i’m on my phone.

The term ‘disconnect to connect’ is a statement that should be taken on board. I understand that we are the new generation and we don’t know anything different than to spend our spare time on social media and to connect with people through the internet, however having a genuine conversation can tell you more about an individual than an Instagram bio can (#follow me on Instagram).

Yes, l know from personal experience that you can’t get enough of the adorable puppy videos and MEMES BEING EVERYWHERE!!!
But having an actual conversation can be awesome, and it allows you to connect to the person on a deeper level.

The media audience has significantly grown over the years, this is proven through the statistics showing the rate of people that were apart of Facebook in 2004 compared to the amount of people that had Facebook in 2013. (The Guardian, Feb 2014)  The statistics went from 1 million people being involved in 2004 to 1,230 million people being active on Facebook in 2013.

Society can’t lie, social media is amazing and it will continue to evolve over the years. The media gives individuals so many opportunities that were available before it existed, so personally l don’t believe social media is an issue, l believe we should be thanking it and society should stop taking advantage of it. #MEDIA FOR LIFE.


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