Is the Medium really the Message???

Well yes it is THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE!!! How you ask?? Well let me break it down to you…

Marshall McLuhan the genius behind the ‘Medium is the Message’ describes it as; what ever the form of message is, whether its a visual message, musical message or a picture that conveys a message, it will determine the way the receiver interprets the information. McLuhan also argues that modern electronic communications (including radio, television, films, and computers) would have far-reaching sociological, aesthetic, and philosophical consequences, to the point of actually altering the ways in which we experience the world.


So personally when l see news on Facebook l begin to question if its false or actually the truth. However if l hear or see the same story on the news on TV, like ABC News l immediately know its true. Meaning its a reliable source of information compared to Facebook. The way you access certain information can manipulate the way individuals interpret the message being brought across.

So everyone, take it from me personally. THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE!! And it always will be…


2 thoughts on “Is the Medium really the Message???

  1. Your explanation of “the medium is the message” was very clear and easy to understand! For anyone learning about this for the first time I think you have done a good job explaining it!! Also the example of facebook and ABC News also relates to the younger audiences, which has made it easier to understand. Good job 🙂

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