Transmedia Stories

What the heck is Transmedia Stories, l asked myself as l sat cluelessly in my lecture. Well luckily for me, my Professor broke it down for all the dummies out their listening (one of them being me!) Here is a clear definition for y’all->

“Transmedia storytelling uses multiple media platforms tell a narrative across time. Each media piece—whether it’s a comic, novels, video games, mobile apps, or a film—functions as a standalone story experience—complete and satisfying. Like a giant puzzle, each piece also contributes to a larger narrative.”

So an easy example of Transmedia stories that everyone on this planet probably knows is the well know Star Wars. All you Star Wars fans out there are most likely drooling over this, cause l’m about to explain how Star Wars is a Transmedia story.

Star Wars a world known ‘thing’, and do you what to know why that is?? It’ because Star Wars appears on a number of different media platforms. Meaning it isn’t only a sequel of movies, it also has it’s own toy franchise, video games, books, tv series etc. etc. The purpose of this is to engage the audience in a variety of different ways. This then creates a unified and coordinated entertainment experience reaching audiences on may different platforms. And that is why Star Wars is so damn popular they were smart enough to intertwine the story line through a number of different mediums.



One thought on “Transmedia Stories

  1. Its interesting how easily franchises like Star Wars, Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings and other similar ones are able to take off as transmedia stories. Too many transmedia stories of one ‘thing’ can become repetitive and boring but ones like the ones I mentioned have such a high demand for more which is why they are able to be so successful. I know I wouldn’t be complaining if another Harry Potter book was released or another media platform was created!
    Overall great blog post! Also, I loved the video. It really helped me to further understand transmedia stories. You weren’t the only dummy in the lecture! X’D


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